Rock Rose Flower Essence ~ don't panic


Rock Rose Flower Essence ~ don't panic


Helianthemum nummularium

Rock Rose flower essence helps with fear and panic. It calms you enough to react appropriately to the situation you are in.

~Are you sometimes so scared that you are shaking ?

~Do you feel frightened ?

~Do you suffer from panic attacks ?

This essence is part of our Calm and Confident, Shock Release and Strength and Support blends

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“I just wanted you to know how much Rock Rose is helping me.  Things are very tough at the moment, with my husband facing major surgery next month, and Rock Rose, almost more than any other of your amazing remedies, is helping me in so many ways.  When it had helped so much, I actually stopped taking it for a week, but returned to it when I noticed a difference right away.  I am staying on it for now, I am so very grateful for the help it is giving me, a really powerful little helper.”