Snowdrop Flower Essence ~ defrosting

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Snowdrop Flower Essence ~ defrosting


Galanthus nivalis

Snowdrop flower essence is useful for any situation that is stuck or frozen where you feel unable to move on. It provides a gentle melting of situations to enable change to begin. It is very good for those who haven’t been able to grieve properly.

~Are you stuck in the past ?

~Are you afraid of feeling emotions again ?

~Do you feel stiff and unbending ?

~Are you grieving but unable to cry ?

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Did you know that Snowdrops produce their own anti-feeze ? .
See how its shoulders are shaped so that everything runs off them. Looking at the picture feel the tightness in your shoulders and imagine how good it would be to let go of all that tension.... imagine the long held grief in your heart melting, softening with love and running down into the earth.
Snowdrop helps you release your grief, it helps your heart melt any hard lumps that have been stored there when you weren’t able to grieve properly. It knows how it feels to long for life and warmth. It brings hope that Spring will eventually come and we will feel fully alive again .
Let the melting begin....

“In difficult times often we find it easier to tighten up, to hold on, to 'hang in there' and just carry on coping. Our emotions get ignored until there is time and space to deal with them. The problem is that it's so easy to get used to them being there and we forget to let them go, to release them.

And then they take a hold in our bodies causing pain and tightness.

Snowdrop essence melts these held emotions so that we can let go and move on, so we can feel release and relaxed again. Often taking Snowdrop releases the tears we were unable to shed at the time giving a sense of being cleansed and refreshed and ready to continue with our lives again.” Saskia on Instagram

“Snowdrop essence helps us let go of things, griefs, shoulds, pains and sorrows.
It helps us melt enough to let go of old let it wash of of our shoulders, to relax and grow into our newly cleansed self.
Sometimes, when we are not able to grieve properly, we hold onto things to deal with later, slowly over time we forget about them, they no longer bother us but they are still there making life just that bit less enjoyable, a bit less joyful and full of vigour. .
I always warn people that taking snowdrop may release unshed melting snow these need to be released before we can spring back to life.”