Saskia's Flower Essences

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Your own rose scented bubble

My Personal Space Spray

We are more than delighted to announce that our My Personal Space spray has not only been shortlisted for the Free-From Skincare Awards but has won a GOLD medal from the Green Parent Natural Beauty Awards in the fragrance category....

 One of our missions as a company is to get flower essences used by people who haven’t come across them before so winning awards like this helps raise the profile of what essences are and how they can help in your everyday life ....and makes me and the flowers dance for joy....

‘My Personal Space’ spray consists of flower essences held in pure English rosewater with the very minimum of (Soil Association approved) preservative.We distil our roses slowly and with love in a large, copper alembic still to maintain their natural fragrance, energy and life force.Rosewater has long been known for its amazing skin benefits - an anti-inflammatory , antioxidant and natural moisturiser, it cools and calms bringing heart healing and softening at the same time so just by itself it is fabulous ..but add flower essences into the mix and you've got an award winner.

This unique spray contains flower essences that protect you from all of that ‘out there’ - whether that's an annoying or bullying colleague, people on a crowded tube, not enough space in an aeroplane cabin, the noise of a city street or even family members you need to distance yourself from. It also has the energy of confidence boosting flowers to make you feel as fabulous as possible whilst you are in your very own rose scented bubble.

Spritz around yourself or directly onto your face to be immediately transported to an English rose garden all alone, refreshed, revived and ready to continue with your life in your own unique way.


The flower essences contained in this spray are :

Yarrow – for psychic protection, separation of self from others

Borage – for coping with all life throws at you in a calm and balanced way

Walnut – for protection from what others think of you

Nettle – for clear boundaries and standing up for yourself

Buttercup –for increasing self- confidence

Potentilla –for loving yourself just as you are


It is sold in an easy to carry, small enough for your handbag or in-flight luggage, 30ml mister and can be purchased here

We are aware that, as demand for this product grows, we won’t be able to distil all of our own rosewater but we promise that we will only use rosewater made in the UK by people that we are certain have distilled the best quality rosewater we can get our hands on.