Bindweed Flower Essence ~ release

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Bindweed Flower Essence ~ release


Convolvulus arvensis

Bindweed flower essence is for when life seems like a horrid tangled mess and you feel constricted and just want to escape. For any time when there is tightness or panic.

~Are you in a situation which seems to have no solution ?

~Do you long for a time of calm and clarity ?

~Do you often feel physically constricted in any way ?

This essence is part of our Breathe Deep,Seek Peace blend

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“I'm learning the lessons of bindweed at the moment....Such pure clean clarity from a tangled convoluted mess of leaves and twisted constricting stems. Bindweed flower essence helps us feel released from any constraints that we feel we are held back by. It gives us insights. and brings energy, to ways of managing or changing situations we feel stuck by. We all have the choice to change our perception of our situation even if it feels there is no option to physically escape our circumstances.“ Saskia

“Bindweed essence has been life-changing for me. I found it started working pretty much immediately, no hanging around. I experienced this sensation of a coil of rope just falling away from my throat and upper body onto the floor. I found I could breathe easier and a joyful sense of self just rose up all throughout my body. I became aware of all the limitations I had put on myself regarding relationships with other people. ‘ if I don’t do this they won’t like me …’ sort of stuff. Bindweed enabled me to see these stifling, unhelpful and intensely limiting patterns and just to let them go. It has been liberating and so informative. I guess these patterns were bedded down deep in my psyche years ago as a protective device, and never went away once they were no longer useful. I am in awe of how Bindweed helps one achieve these insights and the subsequent clearing with great efficiency and the minimum of fuss. This is a truly great essence, and I feel so lucky to have found it.”