Breathe Deep, Seek Peace - winding down, letting go

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Breathe Deep, Seek Peace - winding down, letting go


This essence blend is great for taking after a long tiring day when you want to stop worrying, relax and unwind.

To gently but effectively change long standing patterns caused by stress, over-working and a hectic modern lifestyle this essence can be taken twice daily for several weeks. For less entrenched patterns use as and when needed.

Awarded Best Better Sleep Product by The Beauty Shortlist Awards 2020

East Water River -to let go and wash away all those old feelings.
Bindweed - for untangling
Oak - stop and be still
Speedwell - slow down
Wild Garlic - universal support/letting go of fears
Red Chestnut - to stop worrying about others and things you can’t change
White Chestnut - letting go of unwanted thoughts

Size: 30ml

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“I am very pleased with my purchase of "Breath deep, seek peace" since being ill about a year ago I have had trouble sleeping, but this has really helped. I have tried many other things but so far this is definitely the best. I find I only need to use it before I go to bed and then again if I wake during the night. I definitely recommend this.”

“This makes me sleep better than anything I have ever tried, & there have been many many things!”

“ Breathe Deep worked for me the very first night and even more significant was the fact that I tried it during a very busy time with lots running through my mind just before I hit the pillow at night. It also helped me sleep through the night  better - I would recommend trying this one, created by this interesting  brand with a big heart and a deep, instinctive knowledge  of flower remedies” Fiona Klonarides Founder of  Beauty Shortlist Well Being Awards

“I was a little sceptical, but now I’m a complete convert!  Breathe Deep, Seek Peace has made a huge difference to the quality of my sleep by switching off my over-active brain. I’m sleeping longer and not waking up worrying in the middle of the night any more. Thank you Saskia, my life is transformed!”

“I need to share my sleep experience last night… I dosed up on Saskia’s Breathe Deep, Seek Peace essence and Oh Lordy!!! I really did sleep like the proverbial… Absolutely Brilliant!! A restorative and peace filled sleep… What a gift… Thanks Saskia”

“I’ve been meaning to say Thank You - I’ve been using your Breathe Deep, Seek Peace essence for a couple of weeks now, it’s amazing -making such a difference to my quality of sleep. I’ve even got my partner using it and that’s an achievement !!”

“Never have I ever slept better and more restfully since using Breathe Deep, Seek Peace… Emotional Relief is also a handbag essential must have!. I highly recommend trying these flower remedies”

“I’ve been using Breathe Deep, Seek Peace for a few weeks now and have not had such a restful sleep for years. I didn’t have trouble going off to sleep but would wake during the night and struggle to go back to sleep or sleep very lightly. I’d often feel just as tired when I woke in the morning. Since using the drops I still wake in the night when my son calls out which I need to be able to do but I drift back off to sleep very quickly and when I wake up I feel energised and rested.I can’t recommend this highly enough to get back a quality nights sleep and start the day in the best place possible”

" Menopausal sleep deprivation is the stuff of medieval torture, who knew that 5 drops of Breathe Deep, Seek Peace could literally turn my life around.... I slept !!! Like I used to before children... restorative, unbroken, peace filled sleep !! I haven't stopped recommending this because IT WORKS!!!! Thank you Saskia "

“I recently bought a bottle of your breath deep, seek peace for use by myself and my son.  I’m peri-menopausal and have started to struggle with my sleep, having always slept well.  My son who is 13 always slept well as a baby but has never slept well once he started school.  He’s a deep thinker and worries a lot.  I think he processes stuff from the day when he settles down at night.  He’s often still awake at 11pm. Since we’ve been taking your flower remedy before bed, we’ve both noticed how much better our sleep is.  I fall asleep much more readily and If I wake in the night, I go back off very quickly.  My sleep seems so much deeper.  My son also says he sleeps deeper and more readily and he voluntarily takes it without me reminding him now, so he recognises the improvement which is great.  So I just wanted to give you this feedback and to say THANK YOU!  What a difference a good nights sleep makes! “