Saskia's Flower Essences

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Flower Essences for Grounding

So many of us forget how crucial it is to be grounded. To be here in the present so we can react to situations in an appropriate way.

Modern life is constantly taking us away from Being Here Now with our feet on the ground.

Mobile phones, computers, television and many other forms of technology send us off into an alternate reality at the flick of a switch.

I remember when I first got a mobile phone how hard it was to look at it and walk down the street at the same time without crashing into things and now it is second nature, we adjust and change but it doesn’t mean it is good for us.

Why is this a problem?

We manage perfectly fine, everything gets done but yet there is something missing. We often don’t feel connection - to those around us and to our surroundings. We are never quite fully present and this can often lead to a feeling of aloneness, of always wanting something else, of feeling we are missing out, a pointlessness in ‘it all’… which in turn can lead to quite serious mental health issues -anxiety, depression, addictions, worry, loneliness, sleeplessness.

So what can you do about it ?

There are lots of methods you can employ to becoming more grounded and being aware of the feeling this brings is the first step.

Secondly spend as much time in nature, with your phone switched off (!!!) as you can. Walking barefoot is good.

Sitting with trees is really good.

Anything that involves bringing your self back into your body is great – physical exercise, sport, yoga etc. and being conscious of your breathing is great…

And of course taking the right flower essences can REALLY help.

So which flower essences should you take ?

Dandelion would be my first choice. Besides being full of ‘I am’ energy it is very grounding (think of that strong tap root) and is excellent at bringing you, fully present, back into the now.

Blackberry helps if you feel ‘not quite here and not quite there’. It is good for rooting down into several places at once. People who spend a lot of time on aeroplanes and live in more than one place find this very useful. It’s also very good if you have just moved house and haven’t quite ‘landed’ yet.

Carrot - again think of that tap root. Carrot helps you be present enough so that you can organise yourself. It can stop you dithering if you aren’t sure what you should get on with next especially if you need to be creative.

Clematis – this is the classic Bach remedy for daydreamers and is very effective at helping you get on with your ideas and dreams. When we are ungrounded it is much harder to focus and get anything done which again can lead to depression. The energy of Wild Clematis (old man’s beard) helps shift that by reminding us to connect with the earth.

Many of the tree essences are also very useful as they have such a strong connection to the earth -especially Oak which helps you rest and recharge and fully understand that it is better to do something slow and steady than rush at it cutting corners -something else it is easy to do if you are not grounded. And Olive which helps you go down to find your energy reserves when you have been overdoing it, or have been ill can also be very useful.

For more information ….

I recently had an online discussion with Sara Estelle Turner ( the chairperson of the BFVEA ) about the subject of being grounded and how important it is – I have put the link for the video below if you are interested in hearing what we had to say about this enormous but crucial topic….. this was my first ever attempt at a video thingy so apologies for all the hand waving !!

Of course there are lots of other essences and practises for grounding than I have mentioned above but I thought I would put some ideas and awareness out there to help if you are struggling with never feeling quite present , of everything feeling pointless as you feel unconnected, of not getting anything done because your ideas are all over the place and you can’t settle to one thing.

As always if you have any questions or want further ideas of what essences might be good for you at this time do get in touch