Saskia's Flower Essences

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Dowsing for Flower Essences

More and more people are coming to me for flower essence consultations both in person and on-line. So I thought I’d tell you a bit about how I choose which essences you need, in particular by dowsing.

Dowsing has been used for centuries as a way of tuning into one’s innate knowing or sixth sense which is something we all can access. It can be used for many things – from finding underground water to testing which substances you are intolerant to and it is a fabulous way of cutting through to the unconscious.

I use a pendulum to dowse for essences – this gives me a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer as I place my finger on top of the bottles of single flower essences whilst not being able to see the labels. I am still blown away by how accurate this is as a way of choosing which flowers you need for your growth and learning.

Before dowsing I ‘tune in’ to your energy – either from you being in front of me and telling me what you want help with/what’s going on in your life or from a photograph and a paragraph or two of writing. It is amazing how much information can be gained this way on a subconscious level and this helps a lot with a successful dowsing session.

Typically the whole process takes less than an hour – depending on how much information you feel you want to give me and how long we take discussing the essences that ‘come up’ for you for your own individual blend.

I recommend you take your blend twice a day for a couple of weeks and it usually contains no more than 7 different essences – more than this and things get a bit confused – a bit like using too many different varieties of flower in a flower arrangement.

And then it’s up to you! People experience flower essences in different ways – some people feel the shifts and changes in awareness happening within a day or two (and this is certainly the case with children). With other people it may take a couple of weeks, or even a month or two to notice that things have changes, you are responding to situations differently and issues that seemed insurmountable you are now tackling with ease. And for some people they don’t consciously notice any change - this doesn’t mean that the essences haven’t worked – although if they are the ‘wrong’ ones this might be the case- it is more that they have worked on a deep subconscious level that has yet to show itself (or be noticed) in the everyday life of the person.

For some people, who are on a journey of personal growth, or who have a lot of old trauma to shift they might like a new blend every month or so to uncover and work on the different layers as things in their life change.... some people like to have a new blend at the changing of the seasons and for others just one bottle will be enough.

If you have any further questions about any of this do ask – sometimes, when you are talking about something you do all the time, you overlook the obvious.

I am available for in-person consultations at my shop/consulting room every weekday from 1.30. Please get in touch with me for more details or to book a consultation.

 If you are unable to get to me we can work together by email from wherever you are in the world. For more details click here

Here you can watch me dowsing for a personal blend ….