Saskia's Flower Essences

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Back to School

After the freedom and relaxation of the summer holidays which allows growth to occur on many levels I have found that children often feel anxious and nervous about going back to school. They feel so different to when, exhausted, they broke up so long ago in July. Besides being keen to meet back up with their friends there is an awful lot of change to accommodate and this can be really hard for some.

Children respond really well to flower essences as their patterns are much less stuck than ours and the gentle but amazingly effective energy of the flowers brings support and protection and help with the hurly burly, often bewildering minefield that the school environment can bring.


Below is a list of essences that your child might find useful in the coming school year. If you have ANY questions, or want advice about which other essences might suit your child’s particular needs, do get in touch


My Personal Space –this rose scented spray is great for children who are sensitive and often over-whelmed by other people’s energy. It makes a protective bubble so that you can cope with everything life throws at you.

Calm and Confident – this combination essence is perfect for when there is anxiety and nervousness about going into new situations, for helping with panic attacks and stress.

Speaking with Confidence – ideal for children who have trouble putting their hands up to answer questions in class, those who can be shy and withdrawn or for giving recitals, performing in concerts or plays.

Focus, Energise, Create – this is great for procrastinators and for getting homework projects done.

Walnut –this is a really protective essence ideal for any sort of change. It stops people caring quite so much what others think of them – ideal for teenagers who are beginning to find their own identity.

Nettle – this is great for setting clear boundaries, for finding the strength of character to say NO when something doesn’t feel right for you.

Bluebell  - this is a great essence for shy children. For those who don’t feel they deserve to be heard, for not being scared to hold your head up high and be noticed.

Peppermint – helps with concentration and clarity. Many children find classrooms very distracting spaces for learning and the energy of peppermint essence brings focus.