Wisteria Flower Essence ~ intimate expression


Wisteria Flower Essence ~ intimate expression


Wisteria sinensis

Wisteria flower essence is for those of us who are shy of expressing our innermost and intimate feelings and are fearful of being truly seen.

~Do you find it difficult to touch people you care for ?

~Have you been abused ?

~Do you feel you’ve lost the opportunity to connect with others ?

~Are you often unaware of your sexuality ?

This essence is in our Sexy and Gorgeous blend.

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“I've finished my bottle of Wisteria and a whole new inner world has been unlocked for me that further connects me with my womb, healing, and inner power. I'm forever grateful”

“Wisteria essence is one of the main ingredients in our Sexy and Gorgeous essence. It helps us open up and to be seen for who we truly are, to come out of the clouds and show ourselves.
It can help people (especially women) who have had damaging sexual experiences feel safe enough to be loved and cherished and to enjoy a fulfilling and active sex life” Saskia on Instagram

“Wisteria essence teaches us about intimacy....
It helps us feel safe enough to show up in our divine truth....
When we have been hurt and damaged it is natural to pull back and hide until we are healed but this can become our default position which can make us unavailable and distant - and then it becomes very hard to connect with someone else, to feel like you are understood and seen.
This doesn't necessarily mean just in sexual relationships but in any situation where we pull back behind our mask, where we don't feel safe to be ourselves, where we want to feel a connection with someone else.
Wisteria helps us come out of hiding and shine our bright light unabashed” Saskia on Instagram